Do you want to participate in the fun that is Coyote 2 Moon, but you’re hesitant to tackle the relentless climbing?

Then we have the plan for you! Simply join as a volunteer and support this cadre of nincompoops who will be spending one or two nights under the Moon in Ojai. You can help them meet their goals all while in the comfort of a chair bundled up and sipping your favorite warm beverage. Bonus - you can toss out heartfelt ribbing as they pass by.

We will need volunteers at the start/finish line, marking the course, sweeping the course and at all aid stations. Some of these aid stations will need to be open all night starting from Friday night and all the way until Sunday. This means lots of shifts and lots of help! Registration is active on Ultrasignup. For the most detailed explanation of the aid stations and shift times please see this link below. Feel free to sign up for consecutive shifts at an Aid Station. This is especially helpful to us if you are up on the ridge at TopaTopa or Gridley Top. Thank you!

Volunteers will receive 50-100% discounts on future races as well as some race swag, so feel free to come out and help this year as you gear up towards a run in the future!


“Wow, challenging this year but SO worth it. Also, HUGE thanks to all the incredible volunteers who really took the time to take care of us out there.” - Nancy Warren (M2 Flash)

“I learned several things tonight: 1) A chicken tamal, fresh out of the steamer, might be the best mid-race food EVER. 2) C2M=quality event with great aid stations and great people 3) Canada’s reputation as a country with quality people was upheld in fine fashion 4) Clothing for rainy Bay Area runs is woefully inappropriate for snow flurries atop Nordoff Ridge” -Unknown

“Once again, great volunteers make it happen, so please pass my thanks to all of them-especially the folks on the ridge in the blizzard. I think they were happy to just have a runner show up to help out. The “awards” and chow on Sunday morning were fun also- that and the warm shining sun.” - Unknown

Wow !! What an head is whirling about trying to figure out how in the world I'm going to explain this race to my non Mooner ultra friends.  While I could focus on the course’s difficultly, beauty and overall awesomeness...the thoughts that truly come to mind are of the new friends I made: Melissa (miles 31 - 62 cool huh? Congrats on your finish!), Karen (I wish you a speedy recovery: thanks again to your hubby Bob for the jacket loan! He saved my bacon), Christine (thank you for the arm warmer relief, I gave them to a volunteer at the finish to return to you), and Kim (girl you are tough!! get some glasses!), lastly Henry...dude we made a great running team, so glad we buddied up to the finish.

Chris, you and your volunteers were the best!  Your costumes made me laugh, never thought I’d see a cow run down to Gridley Bottom at the wee hours in the morning and Lucy was a doll at Cozy Dell.  What a first class event all around, Friday's lunch, Sunday's brunch, very hospitable volunteers, perfectly marked course, darn hard course and that cheat sheet that Sue Johnston put together was very handy mentally. - Jill Childers

Thank you again for putting this on and all the volunteers who gave up their weekend to help us crazies. - Catra Corbett

It was a great race, Leslie and I had a really good time.  I do have to question my own sanity for using the term “good time” for that course...definitely the hardest thing I have ever done.  The aid stations were unsurpassed in comparison to other races that I have done.   I will be back again if there are future events!  I was just tired of being DFL for the entire weekend, bowling and the race!  Thanks again, great job to all - Anita Schlenker

Quads are a bit sore, a temporary condition unlike the great memories that will last a long, long time. -Howard Cohen